Asya Shine
Coalition Coordinator

Deborah Silvernail
Board Member

Jodie DeLoach
Board Director

Luis Velasco
Board Member

Mike Provau
Board Member

Jessica Wilkes
Board Member

Leslie Bickett
Board Member
By responding to community conditions, DFDC will implement evidenced-based strategies that lead to measured, population-level reductions of substance abuse problems. By increasing awareness of the effects of drug use, strengthening collaboration among community partners, and mobilizing community-wide prevention efforts, it is our hope to become a wholesome outlet and resource for children, teens, and families who seek lives free from the burdens of drug and alcohol abuse.
We want you to know
It is important for the entire community to get on board with our efforts. In order to make the changes we want to see happen, there must be a community-wide effort in changing our county’s environment which is currently conducive to excessive substance abuse. These changes will encompass three areas: our community norms, the availability of substances, and our local regulations (policies).
The coalition has members of the County and City governmental agencies, the Public Health community, local law enforcement, teachers, administrators, student leaders, the faith-based community, parents, and others bringing their resources together to address these problems.
Project Graduation and Drug-Free DeSoto join forces to keep kids safe!
D-Fy and Drug-Free DeSoto unite and bring awareness and events to the community!
Above the Influence
Communities That Care Curriculum
Drug Rehab
Keeping Your Teens Drug Free: A Family Guide
MADD - Power of Parents: Talking with Teens about Alcohol
NIDA - Publications for Parents
NIDA - Drugs: Shatter the Myths
NIDA - Marijuana: Facts for Teens
Phoenix House
SAMHSA Research - Based Prevention Programs
Street Smart Prevention Just Think Twice
Students Against Destructive Decisions
The Cool Spot
RX Dangers

RxDangers.com aims to be your trusted resource, educating the public about all defective medical devices and dangerous medications that are available on the market today. We accomplish our mission by providing you with a one-stop resource where you can find comprehensive information about these defective drugs and medical devices.